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【公司簡介 Company Introduction】
- Doctor AHNA 是由 首爾大學獸醫皮膚科專家創立的高端純素寵物護膚品牌。
專為敏感肌膚與過敏性皮膚炎的寵物設計,我們的產品採用 單一成分配方,溫和無刺激,確保皮膚安全。
我們的創新產品 “外用Omega-3” 讓必需脂肪酸能夠透過皮膚直接吸收,比傳統營養補充方式更簡單、更有效。
Doctor AHNA 堅持零殘忍、純植物配方,致力於提供道德且可持續的護理解決方案。
- Doctor AHNA is a premium vegan pet skincare brand founded by a veterinary dermatologist specializing in dermatology from Seoul National University. Designed for pets with sensitive skin, allergic dermatitis, our products feature a non-irritating formula with single ingredients. Our innovative “Topical Omega-3” product allows essential Omega-3 to be absorbed directly through the skin, making it easier and more effective than traditional supplements. Doctor AHNA is committed to cruelty-free, plant-based formulations, offering ethical and sustainable solutions. We aim to resolve skin issues while providing safe, soothing care for pets and their guardians.